Capricorn zodiac symbol is the sea goat and element is air
Aquarius zodiac symbol is the water-bearer and element is air
Pisces zodiac symbol is the fish and element is water
Aries zodiac symbol is the ram and element is fire
Taurus zodiac symbol is the bull and element is earth
Gemini zodiac symbol is the twins and element is air
Cancer zodiac symbol is the crab and element is water
Leo zodiac symbol is the lion and element is fire
Virgo zodiac symbol is the maiden and element is earth
Libra zodiac symbol is the balance-scales and element is air
Scorpio zodiac symbol is the scorpion and element is water
Sagittarius zodiac symbol is the archer and element is fire
Celebrate someone special in your life or treat yourself with this handmade sterling silver diamond zodiac pendant necklace featuring beautiful sparkling diamonds in a zodiac symbol. Connect with your symbol in the sky. Certified by the International Gemological Institute.